Well, this is a nice question, stainless steel is famous not for its abilities of anti-scratch, but for its ability to resist rust, anti-scratches ablity depends on it's hardness, and its hardness varies depends on the grade of stainless steel, and also surface finish matters when you come up with such question, most cold rolled stainless steel sheet are for decorative use or function use, it has fine surface after processing, just like a stainless steel watch, you may find something interesting is that a very expensive watch may get scratches on its belt and body too, but if you use a embossed stainless steel sheet, you may find the scratches are not so visible as mirror one, and stainless steel sheet for spring will not have scratches as its hardness is very high. Therefore, here is our advise, do gentle with decorative stainless steel sheets, do not use any abrasive material in cleaning, use soft things, its shinny surface can remain long.